“Now that he’s definitively gone, Arsenal fans can look to see how the team plays the false-Aubameyang role that the man himself was playing before his departure,” ventures Charles Antaki. “Since it consisted largely of not being the ruthlessly efficient striker he once was, the hope is that nobody takes on the mantle, and instead somebody - anybody - just puts the ball actually in the back of the opposition net.” Perhaps Lacazette, who’s wearing the captain’s armband today, will regain his sharpness?

Mikel Arteta Partey and Xhaka are “vital to the way we play” because “they glue the team together. They have the right qualities to play the role, with their maturity and experience.” As for Wolves, the Arsenal manager reckons “they are really organised, really compact, really difficult to play against, they don’t concede goals or chances at all.”

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