All traces of Arsène Wenger are gone and what remains is a US-registered ghost ship sailing through the doldrums

It’s Christmas time. There’s no need to be afraid. Lol. That Paul Young was full of shit, man. There is, of course, plenty of fear around the place at the end of a year when the world turned gothic, when anxiety stalks the land, and when Micah Richards was able to suggest this week that the problem with Arsenal is that the players are afraid of Arsenal Fan TV.

It’s an interesting idea. Arsenal are the world’s 11th-richest football club, the players elite athletes processed through a brutally hard-nosed system. Arsenal Fan TV, on the other hand, is a YouTube channel staffed by performatively enraged middle-aged men with glazed, haunted eyes saying things like, “I can’t. I just can’t. I can’t” while people walk past doing wanker signs.

Related: Arsenal 'absolutely' in the relegation mix this season, says Sam Allardyce

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